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Service - Showing God's Love​

The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice - Methodist Our Calling Priority

Part of New Song Network's mission is to stand alongside people and help them when everyday life is a problem. Below are three particular ways we are doing this as a group but we also believe that as individuals we need to be the person who makes a difference in somone else's life.

"We cared for you because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."  1 Thessalonians 2:8


Food Packing


Working with Feed the Hungry, we  packed meals to be sent to people across the world who don’t have enough.

Food packing is very simple; teams of volunteers work together on a food production line to bag, weigh, seal and box packets of dried food. Feed The Hungry bring all of the equipment and food that is needed. But there is a cost to running a food packing event; the rice, soya, lentils and micronutrients all have a cost to them, as well as the bags, boxes, labels and transport.

As a church and as individuals we raised money to enable about 20 people to carry out the packing. We all looked very elegant in our hygienic hair (and beard) nets and had a great morning.

Well done all who raised money and all the packers.



KIVA is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.


At a New Song Breakfast in 2012 money was raised to make loans through Kiva. The original loans have been repaid and new loans have been made - 9  new loans. It's a brilliant idea: the money keeps being recycled! and  many more lives are transformed. To make a donation please contact Chris our treasurer or Fran our Kiva link by emailing us at New Song. Thank you


Hot Drinks Ministry

New Song Network provides free refreshments at Warrington Crematorium and Fox Covert Cemetery on Mothering Sunday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. See FAQ about this ministry.


It is an amazing and humbling experience to be there not just providing the drinks but listening to people's stories. NSN has also provided the refreshments at the annual Warrington Crematorium Memorial service.



The Food Bank


Donations are received at all NS events although most supermarkets now have collecting boxes to make it easy to buy items when you are shopping and donate them straight away.

The local Food Bank provides a regular list of what foods/toiletries/cleaning products are required - along with carrier bags!


As above you can give a donation for the purchase of perishables .

Toilet Twinning


Toilet Twinning enables people living in poor communities to have clean water, a decent toilet, and to learn about hygiene – a vital combination that prevents the spread of disease, reduces the number of deaths among children, and brings hope for the future. 

Our first twinned toilet is in Ethiopia at Hurssa Simbo, Shashemene which is in the central part of the country about 150 miles from the capital Addis Ababa. The population in 2007 was just over 100,000. Map

We now have a further 6 twinned toilets.



Room at the Inn/Y Project


New Song supports those working with the homeless. One way is to collect items that they require.

At the moment here's what's needed:



Tea and coffee



Or you can give a donation for the purchase of perishables like milk and bread.

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