The future of New Song Network
We seek as a community to continue to develop our work under the four "Our Callng" prioirty areas - in addition to developing our current work we have challenged ourselves to do the following:
Our 5 Year Vision is being updated as some of what we planned just one year ago has come to fruition.
Our Five Year Vision
1. Within the next year NSN will become a church with more frequent services and established infrastructure (commissioned on 22 June 2014)
2. NSN will continue to be a serving community looking out as well as inwards.
3. With associate members who are members of other churches this will help to develop faith and spirituality in partnership with other churches.
4. There will be training for leadership
5. We would realistically expect numbers to double in the next 5 years. In 3 years we have outgrown the large hall at Bold Street and are moving into the sanctuary where Bold Street too has taken the visionary steps to facilitate this by replacing the pews with chairs.
6. We would expect the number of house groups to double from 5 to 10
7. Everything we do will be high quality and consistently good.
What we have done:
Update: Chairs have been purchased for the sanctuary at Bold Street and they look great. New Song Café moved into its new home on 22nd December 2013.
New Song commissioned as the Newest Church in Methodism on 22 June 2014.
1. NS Kids: NS can equip Messy church leaders; special occasion services for all the family; large scale events which NSN has shown it is more than capable of organising.
2. Involvement of Sir Thomas Boteler High School through Jackie's connections there and with Latchford Methodist Church the venue for seasonal worship for pupils of varying "houses" at school
3. Giving people opportunities to worship in different ways but being aware we do not disturb the current non-threatening, welcoming atmosphere.
4. Celebrating special Sundays and Church occasions
5. NS on the road - take up invitations to lead a NS style act of worship in other churches. Further involvement with Radio Merseyside and possibly Radio General.
6. Worship outdoors e.g. Palmyra Square
7. Investigating associations with Christian music and drama publishing companies.
8. Offer more evening worship and social media worshipping opportunities.
9. Produce a New Song band CD
What we have done:
NS on the road - Visits have taken place at Penketh Methodist Ladies Group and Caldy Valley Thursday Group; Café at St.Philip's LEP, Padgate and Penketh Methodist Churches. Request for on the road made by St. Martin's Methodist.
Radio Merseyside programmes produced and Fresh Expressions video's produced.
MHA service with Songs of Praise Pam Rhodes in 2013.
Stadium Service for Rugby World Cup.
Sir Thomas Boteler for the Boteler Out Loud festival on 11 July 2014. Various services for the school
New Song Kids started in February 2015 and meets monthly on the 1st Sunday afternoon in the month
Learning and Caring
1. Building a pastoral care network of trained people is a top priority
2. Arranging more opportunities for prayer e.g. prayer team being available at the end of NSC, prayer groups, triplets, tree.
3. Using the skills of NSN to equip and resource others; requests to lead worship in other churches.
4. A retreat day with the author of the Lent study material.
5. Develop and increase the number of home groups
6. Offer reflection and teaching days
7. Run a book club
8. Urban Yarn – creative and friendship sessions
9. Have another New Song weekend away
10. Produce worship and teaching podcasts
What we have done:
Update: Prayer Chain established and prayer using Facebook a popular trend, Bible studies at Station Coffee, New Song weekend away in February 2014, Quiet Days, Connected Worship Conference, Membership Classes
Opportunities for prayer during NSC starting June 2015
Weekend away in March 2016
1. Finding avenues of credible outreach by making more contacts with groups and organisations to find where CAT can work.
2. Finding sponsorship/funding for materials needed by CAT and for the crematorium drinks
3. Involvement of Sir Thomas Boteler High School - Archbishop of York award
4. Providing drinks at the Warrington crematorium annual memorial service.
5. Appointing a fundraising co-ordinator and group.
6. Maintain area of community land in Latchford village.
7. Encourage active community engagement through volunteering.
8. Engage in the Restorative Justice Programme through HM Altcourse.
9. Develop the hot drinks ministry and CAT with Third Sector Partnerships
10. Engage in a Music Project with Walton Crematorium
What we have done:
Update: Drinks were provided at crematorium memorial service in 2013 and 2015 and conversations with local councillors underway re the CAT being used in the local ward. Discussions underway re Archbishop of York Award - possibly starting our own "Faith, Hope and Charity" youth award scheme. KIVA, Toilet Twinning, Participated in St Rocco’s Starlight Walk 2014 and 2015, Proceeds of Community Olympic Event 2012 to Local Charities
“Back to Church New Song”
Being a presence in Warrington town centre: possibly a monthly prayer point; free gift wrapping at Christmas
Arranging sessions to resource people generally and the NSC welcomers in particular to more easily tell their story, ‘gossip the Gospel’
Developing more relationships in our social and work areas
Arranging a social event with a personality who would be attractive to non-church goers.
Involvement with the Samoan RL team in Warrington for the World Cup 2013
Improving our publicity: website, car stickers with QR code, media co-ordinator, banners.
Flash mob
Making contact with: YOI Appleton Thorn, Risley Remand Centre, YMCA, retirement and care homes; and involvement in Bold Street’s Restorative Justice initiative when it begins.
Carol singing in pubs
Possibly run an Alpha course or something similar
Wrapping presents in Golden Square at Christmas.
Prayer Point in Warrington Town Centre.
Shoe Shine at Easter
Stall at Sir Thomas Boteler Music Festival
What we have done:
Update: An amazing service at the Halliwell Jones event (home of Warrington Wolves) took place on 20 October 2013 - what a great event. New Song breakfast banner purchased and on show. Website created. Monthly Noticesheets created and QR code sourced,
Social Media – Twitter, Facebook,You Tube, Podcasts, Pinterest,Website,Monthly Newsletter,Community Olympic Event.