New Song News
2016 was a landmark year for New Song Network. Rev'd Jackie Bellfield who started the Café worship which led to the setting up of New Song Network Church has moved on to a new posting on the Wirral. We give thanks for her creativity and love that have enabled the church to grow.
We welcome the Rev'd Sue Smith who will have pastoral care of the church for one year while the circuit enters stationing for a new minister.
As we enter the new year we give thanks for the Leadership Team working together, taking on new roles and organising new events.
We are delighted to learn that the Revd Linda Bishop will be coming to the circuit in September with pastoral care of NSN.
Revd Linda is settling in and getting to know us. One innovation is the Feast your Faith sessions which have taken over from the monthly Bible study. I'm sure you know by now that food plays an important role in the life of New Song!
We welcomed the President of Conference, the Rev'd Loraine Mellor (past superintendent of the Warrington circuit) to New Song Café on Palm Sunday. It was a great evening of testimony and praise.
On Holy Saturday we ran an Easter Egg Hunt in Bold Street church and attracted about 50 families many of who expressed an interest in our children's work.